Wednesday, September 12, 2012

September 12, 2012

Hi Bloggers:
I forgot to post pictures of setting the mast, so below take a look.

Friday, September 7, 2012

September 7, 2012

Dear Blog Readers:
Glad you are back.
Well, we got our mast set on Tuesday, September 4, exactly 4 weeks to the day that we anchored in Salinas.  We waited 3 ½ hours on the man, but other than that it all went perfect. (He did buy our lunch while we waited)  Everything fit just like Don wanted.  He was worried about all the cables being cut too short, which would have been his fault.  But after measuring and measuring, I knew he had it right and he did.  Success!  We put the boom on yesterday (Wednesday).  Today he is working with the welder on the traveler’s frame, which is built, but the hard work of getting it all lined up with the boom and the right angle. Everything just takes time and there is no need to be in a hurry, because that won’t help either.  Don is learning some very valuable patience.  This has all been a learning experience for both of us and it has been very helpful.
A couple of weeks ago we had another awful thing happen to us, that just almost thru us overboard again!!!!!  The man that we are on his dock and he is helping Don, (we bought the mast from him) and his name is Tommy, WELL, he was welding on his roof top and the droppings fell on our main sail.  Burned a hole all the way thru.  It was folded nicely in to about a 4 by 4 and when the dropping fell the fold caused it to burn many holes.  We have had 2 experts look at the sail and it could not be fixed.  The sail was only 1 year old.  The company that made it for us is making us a new one immediately. Tommy is paying for it.  We feel badly, but he felt worse.  We all cried, but I told him “Thank God it didn’t catch his house on fire”.  So again, we move forward and don’t look back.  We only have today!  Right? 
One of our buddy boats, Wayward Wind is visiting home in California this week.  Linda called and we visited for over an hour catching up.  We met them last summer in the Chesapeake Bay.  We sailed with them all thru the Bahamas this year.  They are in Grenada and they are making semi plans for the near future.
Until next time,
Don and Janis s/v Plane to Sea