Don and I are still in beautiful Puerto Real, West end of Puerto Rico. What a sunset, RIGHT?
We found out last Friday some very good news.
Different news, but good!
The guy here in Puerto Real that his bid for the fiberglass and painting, had come in at 5,000.00
more, reconsidered and is taking the job for the same price we were quoted in Ponce. I guess he felt sorry for us. We are so happy!!! He can start on the boat Monday, June 25
We only have to motor ¼ of a mile to his lift. We were so worried about taking it to Ponce; I just can’t tell you how we have been feeling. So now we can stop worrying about having to get it to Ponce in the rough south east wind, with that crack. He has also agreed to let Don do the bottom.
Don will sand and paint the bottom with the antifouling black paint. (With my help, of course)
This is what Don has wanted to do all along was do some of the work himself.
The ones that know Don, you can only imagine!
Can’t keep him still too long.
A few things he has mentioned to me are 1. Paint and sand the bottom, which he has done this before 2.
Making the tabernacle for the mast, which he did before and
Who knows what else he will come up with during the next few weeks.
Whatever makes him happy.
Sunday, (yes Father’s Day) he took the windlass apart, cleaned it and cleaned our front bow locker.
He is always working on something.
Really didn’t want Don to have to work on the boat at all, but he is insisting. It will keep him busy, we can’t site see every day, that would get old too.
A week ago, Don and I drove down to Rincon. The surfers come here.
They even have competition here in Rincon.
Beautiful place!
This is on the West coast of Puerto Rico North of where we are now. They also have a beautiful Lighthouse here.
Hey Brandi, I took this photo just for you. I have many lighthouse pictures to give to you from our trip. When I get home I am going to arrange a mirage of lighthouses of where we have been, just for you, because I know how much you love them!!!
This picture was taken from a hilltop looking down on a Marina at La Parguera. Last Friday, we drove down to La Parguera and along the coast up to Ponce.
It was beautiful.
We hope to spend a few days there this fall.
Puerto Rico has great scenery.
Ocean and mountains - can’t beat it!
Rain forest and zip lines.
I hope to get to do this before we leave.
I zipped lined in Costa Rica and it was amazing.
I even repelled down 90 feet. (Pictures to prove it)
Friday night we went in this little place (what most of you would call a hole in the wall) to eat. We have eaten here several times and it is so good. He catches his own fish and last night we had fresh red snapper, fried plantains and a salad; along with a couple of Medallas, (Puerto Rican Beer) that another table sent over to us. They live in Ponce and had come down for the day. They invited us to Ponce to visit them, where they live on a ranch. Right now they have baby pigs. We are to call them next week and set up a time to go visit. Ponce is only about 1 hour drive from Puerto Real. (But by water it is 10 hours) He is a rancher and contractor for building homes and his wife works at the College in Ponce.
We have met a lot of very nice people and most of them do speak pretty good English. I sure hope we can pick up on this Spanish. We are doing better, but you know it is broken and pieced together. I’m looking up words all the time. We have all the highway signs down good and we know our directions. The people get a kick out of helping us. It’s really kind of fun. Wished I would have learned more when I was working at the Health Department. Now at 60, I’m finding it a little challenging. All the younger kids are learning English at school and a lot of the older people that have lived in New York, New Jersey or even Florida can speak English. Most business owners have at least someone to speak English to help you. Really not bad at all. Of course, Don likes the Dominican Republic and you have to speak Spanish in all small towns and that is where he would like to be. He would like to buy a place at La Isabella (El Castillo) in the DR. I’m holding him back!!!!!!We could live in the DR very cheaply and good, but I’m holding him back!!!!!! You got it, I’m holding him back!!!!!!!
This is a picture of the D.R.
The D.R. is beautiful, with so many mountains, rivers and waterfalls.
Did I mention that I was holding him back!!!!
We are raring to go on this boat, we are so happy, but there are a lot of things that we haven’t been able to locate.
Our boat is 29 years old (Just think, Holly you are older than our boat) and was made in Canada, which of course, no longer assists. (Many years ago stopped making the Tanzer)
We have found a man that sells Tanzer parts, but he has nothing that we can use.
In particular it is our windows and rub rail that we are in need of so badly.
Also when our rub rail is not on the boat, it leaks between where the hull and top of the boat join together.
(Not a lot, but a little. -- Has to be put back on for sure.)
I have made a spread sheet with everything we have to do to get (or purchase) the boat back to the way it was and another column for what we want to add to the boat. (Now or in the future) I have to keep up with the spending, carefully.
I have to be able to look back and see where the money went, and how was it spent.
Our pump went out on our air conditioner on Thursday. We have a new one ordered but it will take a few days. Of course, we get things a little easier here than in other places. Recently received my order for medicine in 6 days! WOW! Good ole USA!
For the ones that don’t know, Don had let his hair grow out while we have been sailing. It was so blond and very long in the back. I hadn’t cut my hair in a year. WELL, we finally went to the Beauty and Barber shop and got our hair cut. We look and feel so much better. At least maybe our grandkids will know us when we come home for a visit. I know one grandson that wonders all the time, what we look like, have we changed? So maybe this will help with that.
We have been in contact with our buddy boats. 2 are in Martinique, 4 in St. Thomas and the other 2 are in BVI. Safe and fun traveling to all as you travel south. This was as of June 18th.
Until next time……s/v Plane to Sea
Don and Janis