Tuesday, June 26, 2012

June 26, 2012

Yesterday we took “Plane to Sea” over to a place called Picky’s.  It is a place about ¼ miles from the marina where we have been staying.  What a name?  Who cares as long as he is able to fix our boat?  Right?  Don took her over and had to crank up the keel to get her in.  They usually don’t work on sailboats only large cabin cruiser, so the water is very shallow.  But since we have a retractable keel, we can go where most sail boats can’t.  It works!!!  After she was brought upon the sling and to the ground we put the keel back down, so we could clean it.  First thing was to clean all the grime and slim off the bottom.  Then it was power washed and sanded. Today, we painted the bottom and he dropped her back down with keel up and they started working on her.
Sorry - can't get the picture to rotate
We cleaned our boat again Sunday, what else did we have to do!  Really, we took our Bimini down and frame work and looked at it to see what could be salvageable and what couldn’t.  We threw a few things away, you read it right, threw some things away and that is hard to believe from Mr. Don Furness. We have this great stuff to clean our boat with, not sure if it is eco-friendly or not, but it works.  It took off a lot of rust and other stuff that the ship had left behind.  We still washed a lot of pieces of paint away.  Will that ever be gone?  Anyway we are on our way…
Things that we have noticed about Puerto Rico in general are the number of horses that are around the towns.  Everywhere!!!!  People riding them, on the side of the road, on the side of the highway, in apartment complexes, on the baseball fields, at the school yard, you name it there you will find a horse.  Sometimes they aren’t even tied up or staked out, just loose or hanging there head over the guard rail.  Eating grass, any grass, whatever they can find to eat.  Most of them are small, not near as big as our horses in Texas.  Really!
Another thing that we notice is the number of male dogs.  I have yet to see a female dog.  What’s up! 
The grocery stores are called Mr. Special and Selecto and Amigo.  Taco Bell has a foot long taco.  Texas you better get a move on it, Puerto Rico is passing you up. 
You pay $2.00 for a beer ( 10 oz. ) in Puerto Rico and in the Dominican Republic you pay $.80, you got it, 80 cents for (20 oz.) beer instead of a (12 oz. )of beer in Texas for $3-5(depending where you are)   Texas you are getting more behind…..
This country is amazing….It is the only place that I have been so far that you can be driving down the street in your car and meet head on, a car, a horse and a bicycle.  Guess what-the bicycle has little gasoline motors on them and they have one arm out holding on to another person on a regular bicycle pulling them along too.  People drive crazy and they hardly ever honk or act mad.  They just go with the flow.  Don is learning, slowly, but I’m there!!!!!
We went to San Juan Tuesday afternoon and took a “something” down to be worked on for our windlass.  We also took our dinghy back for the second time.  The liferaft company will bring it to us next time.  Fixed, I hope.  We spent the night at Coral by the Sea and walked to the beach (about 2 blocks) and watched the sun set and had dinner.  Lovely evening.  We slept in, had breakfast and they called that Don’s “something” was fixed and ready.  We picked it up and headed to Salinas.  We brought some pipe down to a guy that will be helping make the bimini and dodger frame.  We are also going to visit with a lady that will be making our covers, cushions, etc.  We brought down our fabric for her to look at and also screen for her to make us new ones.
We have been having a great time enjoying ourselves in Puerto Rico and we have so much more to see.
Until next time…….We send our love,
Don and Janis

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