Friday, February 3, 2012

On the move...

Well, contact with Mom and Don has been sporadic at best but I wanted to give at least a short update. Everything is going great for them and they are having a wonderful time. Mom is having trouble getting her wi-fi connected so she's had one of their friends send me email updates. The weather has been nice and I think they've been eating conch for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Please see below for additional information courtesy of Wikipedia :) They left Nassau Thursday morning for another island called Exumas. I'm not 100% sure where they are anchored but it was a 6-7 hour trip from Nassau and they arrived safely around 4pm Thursday. I think they are in the general vacinity of Georgetown.

Second in popularity only to the escargot for edible snails, the meat of conches is used as food, either eaten raw, as in salads, or cooked, as in fritters, chowders, gumbos, and burgers. All parts of the conch meat are edible.[2] However, some people find only the white meat appetizing.
In East Asian cuisines, this
seafood is often cut into thin slices and then steamed or stir-fried.
In the
West Indies (and The Bahamas in particular), local people eat conch in soups (commonly Callaloo) and salads. Restaurants all over the islands serve this particular meat.
Providenciales in the Turks and Caicos Islands (at Three Queens, Blue Hills) there is the Annual Conch Festival in November each year. Local restaurateurs compete for the best and original conch dishes, and are judged by international chefs. Free sampling of the dishes follows, and there are other competitions, events and music well into the evening, making this a very popular event for Islanders and tourists.[3]
In the island of Grenada, conch is commonly eaten in curries or in a spicy soup. It is locally referred to as lambi.
Puerto Rico, conch is served as a ceviche: raw conch marinated in orange juice.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I hear you are on the was NASSAU?? Was the nude beach on Paradise Island busy? Did you win any money on the Crap table at Atlantis?...Y'all really got out of town in a hurry...musta had SOME HOMEBOYS on your tail!! How 'bout A TEXT MESSAGE OCCASIONALLY, to your family back home?...DON, BREAK DOWN AND SPEND A BUCK. IN THE WHOLE SCHEME OF THINGS YOU WILL NEVER MISS IT!!

    Have a great time, but remember we folks back in Texas ever now and then...jch.
