Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bahamas Baby!

I just received an update from Mom and they have arrived in Nassau safe and sound. They were in the process of checking in with customs and everything was great. A great day of sailing and they currently have a view of the Atlantis Resort from their boat :) She's hopeful to get a wi-fi signal tomorrow and she will be able to send more details but for now I wanted to let everyone know they made it safely!


  1. Way to go J&D...long trip?? Now it is some time to get some rest...relax for a couple of days, have a cold cervasa or two, smoke a good Cuban, and then on to more Big Water. Nothing can stop you now!! are hooked for life..Proud of you!

    We send our love and continued prayers...J&J.

  2. OK its been 24 hrs...enough sleeping. Time to get up and send us an, Did you get to Atlantis today? Did you hit the nude beach? or Did you just sleep in and be lazy like the homeboys?

    Glad you are there! Enjoy the adventure... Proud of you!!...Quite an effort for the first time out on the big pond.

    Stay in touch...that is,if you ever get out of bed...


